Tests for antibiotics in milk: why they are needed and how they are carried out

Tests for antibiotics in milk: why they are needed and how they are carried out
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Antibiotics are powerful medications that are used to fight infections and bacterial diseases. However, their improper use can lead to the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, which creates seriousproblems for healthcare.
One way to monitor antibiotic use is to test livestock products, includingmilk , for the presence of antibiotics. Milk is one of the main products that may contain traces of antibiotics, as cows may receive them in feed or treatment.
Various testing methods are used to detect antibiotics in milk. One of the most common methods is a test forantibiotics using test systems. These tests can quickly and accurately determine the presence of antibiotics in milk samples.
Carrying out tests forAntibiotics in milk are important to ensure food safety and protect consumer health. If antibiotics are found in milk, the product may be recalled from the market to prevent possible negative health effects.
Thus,Tests for antibiotics in milk play a key role in monitoring the use of antibiotics in livestock and ensuring the safety and quality of food for consumers.

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