Grandma took out loans, and now I have to pay them off

Grandma took out loans, and now I have to pay them off
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I suddenly found myself in a hopeless situation. I really need advice, because I don't have any close friends or relatives who would understand and support me.

I am 35 years old. I live with my grandmother in a small town. She is 73 years old. I never knew my father. My mother abandoned me, went outmarried a foreigner and left when I was 5 years old. My mother doesn't keep in touch with us. I don't even know if she's alive or where she is. I was raised by my grandparents. My grandfather died 10 years ago. Since then, I've been looking after my grandmother.

I've had some problems in the last yearhealth problems . I had an operation. My grandmother paid for it, as she said, from her savings. I spent 3 months in the hospital, and was released only recently. I worked as a pharmacist, naturally, I lost my job due to a long illness and recovery.

And yesterday my grandmother confessed to me that she took itloan for my operation. Then, while I was in the hospital, she took out several more loans to pay off the first loan. She ended up in a debt hole. As a result, she has 4 loans hanging over her for almost a million rubles.

I'm horrified. For my city, this is . If only I knew the truth, I wouldn't have gone for the operation. There was no particular vital need. I can't imagine how I'll pay off these loans. Before this, my salary was 20 thousand rubles. And the monthly payment, it turns out, is 50 thousand.

I am a very impressionable person by nature, a panic-monger. I cried all night when I learned about the loans and the real state of affairs. Even though the debt is not mine, but my grandmother's, it is now up to me to decide. Although, I don't understand how banks were not ashamed to give loans to an elderly woman.

Grandma looks young and even works as a cleaner in a supermarket near our house. She said that she lied about her income, and that's how she got loans. I racked my brains, deciding how to live on. Should I go prostitute?

I'm afraid that even with such radical methods I won't get rid of the loans. Sell my grandmother's apartment? I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm afraid that I can't do it . I'll easily be deceived, and even more so my grandmother, if I sell it myself. I'm afraid of running into scammers when selling. And if I hire a realtor, he'll have to pay a lot. We already have loans. And where will we live then?

I myself was unable to arrange a personallife . I haveexcess weight and many complexes, childhood traumas. That's why I gave up on myself. I've never had relationships with men, I never wanted children. I lived modestly, worked as a pharmacist. And I didn't care about my life at all. And now I don't know how to live and what to do. I feel very sorry for my grandmother. If something happens to me, how will she be without me? I don't know how to find any way out of this situation.

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