Strange woman on the bus

Strange woman on the bus
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I often travel by public transport – minibuses or large soft buses. In large crowds of people, sometimes I have to deal with people who are, how can I say it, a bit… inadequate. A couple of times, I was attacked by obvious city lunatics, and some people, it seems to me, come on purpose, so to speak, to “discharge”, raising a scandal out of nothing in a crowded minibus and inducing waves of negativity around themselves. But this incident seemed so strange to me that I decided to tell you about it. Judge for yourself, but I am still at a loss to guess what it was.

So, it's lunchtime, I'm going home. There's a big, half-empty bus at the bus stop, collecting passengers. I sit down in the middle of the bus, in a seat near the aisle. At lunchtime, there are plenty of empty seats, people are gathering slowly - it's not rush hour yet. A woman of about forty-five or fifty years old gets on the bus, with a strangely darting gaze on her exhausted, freckled face. She pays the fare, looks around feverishly at the seats, and, ignoring the empty seats, for some reason stands right next to me. The bus is still standing, there are plenty of seats.

The lady standing next to me, , rustles something in her bags for a long time. And then she moves very close, literally lying down on the back of my chair, starts to puff strangely and blow into the top of my head, producing sounds "ooohhh... pfff... ooohhhh... pffpfff... ohhhh... mmrmrbrbrrr... ohhh... pffff...". All this begins to get on my nerves indescribably: she blows into my hair, it even moves, and in order to at least drown out the strange sounds she makes, I decide to take out my phone and turn on the radio. Having shoved the headphones into my ears, I try to find my phone in my bag, and at that moment the lady starts hissing in my ear: “Seryossshki, seryozhki, I have seryozshki…” and then she mumbles something completely inarticulate. And then again, “Seryossshki, seryozshki…”.

To say that I was stunned and scared is to say nothing. I was simply stupefied, paralyzed. What should I do? To start reacting would only give the crazy woman a reason for aggression. To remain silent would be terrifying, I wouldn’t be able to stand it the whole way. I still haven’t found my phone, and the bus is already starting to pull away from the stop, very slowly.

I must say that as a child I lived with a religious grandmother, and I still remember many prayers. And, sitting in a stupor, I begin to mentally read the prayer "May God rise again..." (Prayer to the Cross of the Lord, my grandmother advised reading it when I was scared). And as soon as I reach the words " the smoke disappears, may..." the woman jumps away from me and runs to the driver, demanding that he stop and let her get out. Although we haven't even reached the stop yet, having driven about two hundred meters from the final stop.

The driver pulled up to the first stop and the woman got out. I finished reading the prayer and, perplexed (what was that?), drove home.