My parents don't want to understand me

My parents don't want to understand me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Two years of civil marriage, then a breakup, and now Yaroslav and I have made peace and are planning to get married. I broke up with him under pressure from my relatives, who wanted to see me married and happy. And it's not just my parents, for whom I am the only onechild , in mylife constantly interferes with all relatives. Mom'smy sister doesn't have children of her own and I've always been like a family member to herdaughter . I am the only granddaughter of my grandparents (my mother's parents), my father's parents already have a grandson, he is much older than me and lives abroad, so the wholethe love and care of my relatives is directed at me alone.

From the outside looking in, one can only envy my situation: everything is for me, everyone loves me. But believe me, excessive care is also very annoying, especially if you are already an adult, I am 25 years old. Everyone has been waiting for grandchildren for a long time, but I still can’tI will not get married . And now everyone is busily preparing for my wedding, and I don’t know how to tell everyone that I don’t want to have a lavish celebration, and it’s not about money. To be honest, I’m tired of seeing weddings according to a script, the same thing everywhere, with the only difference being these primitive toastmaster competitions. Everyone pretends to be having a wild time, as best they can, dodging repeated congratulations to the newlyweds with standard phrases, and it’s even worse if one of the guests tries to be original. I attended my friends’ wedding and I don’t want to have the same fun for myself.

Yaroslav has already talked to his parents, they agree with us, they said that they will give us a voucher, and we will be able to fly abroad right after the registration. I like this option, but when I hinted about it to my mother, she was surprised and said that she hoped that I was not serious. My futureMy husband is rushing me to talk to my parents, saying that I need to tell them now so that they don't have time to tell everyone that there will be a wedding. And I decided to tell everyone the day before so that I don't have to listen to everything too much and when we get home, everyone will have already burned out and come to terms with what happened. My best friend also supports mefriend , promising that after our departure she would try to talk to me, my dad and mom, and convince them of the correctness of this decision.

I don't understand why two adults should depend on their parents in their decisions, especially since we already provide for ourselves financially, and will even live separately. Mom can't understand that times are changing, everything is completely different now than when she got married. How long can we live for people and listen to other people's opinions?

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