Men's duties

Men's duties
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I really regret that I didn't agree to a civil marriage.marriage , but too late. I condemned my friends for this, saying that cohabitation humiliates a girl. But only after marriage did I realize that I had missed the opportunity to know the futurehusband in everyday life. Now ourthe family is on the verge of divorce.

My husband thinks that she should take care of the housewife , and he only goes to work. But I work too and my salary is almost the same as his. But he is a stubborn person and it is very difficult to prove anything to him. In addition, he is supported by his mother-in-law, who says that there are women's duties and there are men's duties. When I asked what duties she performs in the house,son , she started yelling at me, saying that I was lazy, that at my age she...

Women's housework is constant, andMy husband can fix a faucet, but not always, he says it's better to call a specialist. I don't even offer to take out the trash, there will be a big scandal. So I thought that getting a divorce before there are children is the most reasonable thing in my situation. I just regret wasting five years.

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