Only weak people do not forgive betrayal

Only weak people do not forgive betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We are both 36 years old. We don't have children for medical reasons. We have been married for 10 years. During this time, we have been through so much together. But she was always there. We overcame difficulties together, we overcame everything. Any other woman would have left, because we lived in a rented apartment, there was not enough money, the business failed and I went bankrupt. I paid little attention to my wife (I was focused on making money),My wife wasn't working at the time.

Firstthe betrayal happened then. She met a friend 1.5 years agofriends at her birthday party and as a result slept together. She confessed everything honestly, and I value honesty in relationships. I asked why she said that it was by chance, a spark flashed. And I myself was to blame, I was so fixated on money, I did not pay attention to her at all. Partly, it was me who pushed her to cheat. I forgave. A lot of time passed after that and we overcame this period. Why did I write this. You need to be able to forgive if a person sincerely repents. It is human nature to make mistakes and we have no right to judge and break what was created over the years by common efforts. Men who do not forgive their wives for cheating, breaklife first of all to yourself. How many unhappy men who destroyedmarriage do not find the strength to start life anew. They live with revenge and hatred for the whole world. You need to be able to forgive and admit your mistake if you were cheated on.

There will be no cheating in a happy family. Everything depends on the motives that prompted the woman to cheat on her husband. My wife respects me for thisact and is grateful to me that I did not ruin our lives. Who would be happy if I did not forgive her and destroyed our family? No one. I think that weak men do not forgive. Because they are ready to do anything to avoid admitting that they are partially guilty of their wife's betrayal. Who will be happy if, in the event of betrayal, you do not forgive your wife? You first of all. Just for fun, I reread the stories of those who did not forgive, and what did they get in return? Long years of loneliness, and they live, hating the whole world. But it was necessaryforgive and understand, sort everything out. Why did I write this? So that those who doubt, finding themselves in such a situation, would hear my message to them: "forgive and give each other the opportunity and a chance for happy years together."

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