I can't get rid of my common-law husband

I can't get rid of my common-law husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Yana, I am 35 years old. I have been living with my common-law husband for 8 years. Almost immediately after we started living together, I had a child, he began to be jealous of me and get on my nerves. Then we moved from Sochi to my mother, since he had children there.problems with both work and the residents of the apartment where we rented a room. When I arrived to my mother, I found out thatpregnant , he persuaded me not to have an abortion, and we had a babyson . During pregnancy he blew dust off me, fulfilled all my whims, but after the birth he changed for the worse, and very abruptly. He began to raise his hand against me, insult, humiliate, if I threw him out, broke windows, beat, the police did not even come to us, they said, sort it out yourselves.

I've lost itmilk , he began to beat the child because he cried, I could not cope with him. Lately he almost stopped bringingmoney home, does not sleep with me and became very angry. I became afraid of him, every step he takes makes me tense and I am afraid that he will hit me now, he constantly hits the children, they are also very afraid of him, he constantly insults and threatens everyone, he said that if I get a lover, he will kill and bury me and the children. I am slowly going crazy, I do not know what to do, I am very afraid of him and tired of such a life, I even thought about committing suicide, but thinking about the children, the thought disappeared by itself. Advise me what to do? I have already tried all the options and nothing. We bought a house together with maternity capital, but he is not registered here, he is not going to leave, and I have nowhere to go, and I have no money.

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