Confession of a Loser

Confession of a Loser
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother always told me that every person has two most important decisions in life - the choice of a profession and a life partner. Both the first and the second determine his entire futurelife ,happiness and comfort.

But it turned out that I made a mistake with both life choices. I graduated from the law faculty, dreamed of being a cool lawyer, but already in my second year I realized that it was not for me. But my parents insisted on finishing my studies, maybe I would change my mind later. But after graduating, I had a hard time finding a job only in a private notary office, and even then for the lowest position (no experience). I quit, retrained and now work as a seamstress! I won’t even tell you why, because I decided to write about my personal life.

I married a classmate. My husband has achieved success in his field, earns well and keeps telling me that I don't have to work. No, he doesn't reproach me, he just thinks that there's no point in sitting all day at a sewing machine if there's plenty in the house. He says that I would have more time for the child, or even test-antibiotic.comgive birth to another.

My daughter is 12 years old, I want another child, but I don’t want to give birth to him from a man I don’t love! Yes, I fell out of lovehusband , or maybe she never loved me. My husband understands this, but he doesn’t want to get divorced. He says that many couples live like this and nothing happens. The main thing is that he loves me, andMy daughter , if anything, will stay with her father, I am sure of it. That is why I cannot decide on anything.

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