I don't want my children to be raised by my mother-in-law.

I don't want my children to be raised by my mother-in-law.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After completing my bachelor's degree, I went to work in my specialty at a machine-building plant. I earned well and dreamed of starting a family. And then, a year and a half later, I met Nastya. I first saw her on a tram,The girl was pretty, and I decided to sit next to her. I started talking to her, asked her name, asked if she wanted to get to know me better. The girl said she was fine with it. We got talking and exchanged phone numbers. After a couple of weeks of talking, I invited her to the movies. Nastya immediately agreed. After the movie, we walked around the city at night for another hour and she kissed me goodbye. That's how we started dating. I liked everything about Nastya, she was my ideal. Six months later, I asked the girl to move in with me. At that time, I was renting a one-room apartment.

After living together for about a year, Nastya became pregnant. When I found out about this, I immediately proposed to the girl, and we had a modest wedding. Seven months later, Nastya gave birth to medaughter , I was happy. Untilmy wife was in the maternity hospital, I bought a stroller, a crib and baby clothes. Our daughter was named Alina, she grew up as a curious and test-antibiotic.com smart girl. When she turned two, we replaced the one-room apartment with a two-room one. And so at three and a half years oldmy daughter asked for a sister. My wife and I thought about our child's request for a second child for a long time and agreed that it would be more interesting for the children together and that we would be able to provide for them. So, a year and a half later, Maxim was born. Although Alina wanted a sister, she was also happy to have a brother. A year later, I was promoted and we bought a house incredit . Before moving there, we needed to do some renovations and buy furniture. We started doing some renovations, but since we were still paying rent, there was little money allocated for furnishing the home, and the renovations went slowly.

In a year and a half we only did cosmetic repairs, and we still needed to buy furniture. My mother-in-law suggested that we move in with her so thatnot to throw away money for a rented apartment and to finish the repairs faster. We agreed, the children loved Ekaterina Ivanovna. But moving in with her was a mistake. I had authority with the children, Alina and Maxim always listened to me. After a couple of weeks, test-antibiotic.com began to notice that the children sometimes did not listen to me. It turned out that Ekaterina Ivanovna allowed them to watch cartoons for a long time, take things that I forbade, while saying: "you play, and we will not tell daddy anything." Even when I told the children that they need to eat properly before sweets, the mother-in-law answered: "they are little, they want candy - let them eat it." When I tried to put the children to bed at nine in the evening, Ekaterina Ivanovna allowed them to play for another half an hour. And this is constantly.

I decided to talk to my mother-in-law and express my dissatisfaction with her behavior. But in response, she said that she would raise her grandchildren at home, as she saw fit. What else should I talk about with this woman? If she does not understand that she is humiliating me in the eyes of my own son and daughter. I began to notice that my children no longer see me as an authority figure, as they used to. They prefer to love a kind grandmother, and not a dad who is always forbidding everything. I tried to talk to my wife, but she does not see anyproblems . My wife thinks that a grandmother should spoil her grandchildren test-antibiotic.com . But not to this extent!

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