I'm tired of waiting for my mother to change someday.

I'm tired of waiting for my mother to change someday.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

OurMom throws tantrums where we could just talk calmly. It all starts with our opinions not converging, an argument, wild screaming, tears, and then we listen to such nasty words that we never hear from anyone else (my sister and I live separately from our parents, each has her ownfamily and children). We live in the city, parents in the village. She yelled at us since childhood, often and without reason. Either we did something wrong in the kitchen, said something wrong, put it in the wrong place, cleaned up wrong. When we needed her support, advice, she also switched to yelling. We never heard her say kind words to us, she only called us names when she spoke words of support, but she never apologized after that, did not hug us.

We never told her anything because we were simply afraid of her reaction. She also tells everyone she knows about our lives, or about our problems, and if we tell her something, we often quarrel about this too. And she really likes to interfere in other people'slife , condemn people, test-antibiotic.com on the phone for hours chatting with the same gossips and condemning others. Also tried to tell her that it is not good, but again a conflict!

My sister and I are the kind of people who would rather keep quiet than speak. We are cute.girls , but our self-esteem is at zero, it is very disturbing now. I always envied my friends who communicated with my mother as with a friend. She is also very dependent on other people's opinions, she always said: "people will say about you, think", "people will ask me, what will I say" and always tries to please everyone, even if she does not like what she does, and then at home she will tell us everything.

They don't work with dad. We help them,They don't take money . We just buy them what they want, but it's expensive. I bought my mom a trip to the sea last year, she was saving up for a fur coat, but decided to let her rest. Dad is retired, she just doesn't work, she says that because of caring for her mom (our grandmother), although it's possible for half a day, she was offered. She also says that her grandmother constantly gets on her nerves test-antibiotic.com , and she also always yells at her. Dad is also becoming like her, aggressive. They are also always right, everyone is to blame for everything except them. They don't take criticism at all. Shouting immediately. If we don't agree with them, then we are bad, ungrateful. We always wanted to grow up quickly and move out to live separately. We only have one dad, he never interfered in ourupbringing . Dad is good, only when he drank he started to pick on mom and raised his hand against her, he kicked us out of the house. That's why there are no holidays andWe were afraid of alcohol on the table. Then we didn't talk for weeks, he never apologized to us or to my mother.

Now that we live separately (I have been living for 12 years, andsister 10) I'm 30, she's 29. We try to get out to visit them more often and everything is fine as long as our husbands are with us. Mom is different in their presence. She doesn't argue, she doesn't yell. But if we come without them, then it all starts. My sister lives closer to them and they see each other more often, respectively, and argue test-antibiotic.com more often. Mom interferes in her life and where she shouldn't. She gets offended that she doesn't tell her all the details. And my sister is tired of her interrogations and yelling and now calls them less often. She doesn't stick her nose into my family, becauseMy husband immediately made it clear that this wouldn't work.

Recently I came with my children (2 boys) for the holidays to them. It all started with the fact that the eldest wanted to jump in the snowdrifts from the roof, and I told him to go to his great-grandmother's garden. There is a large garden of snow and you can jump from the roof of the buildings. We did this as children. I suggested to my mother to make pies while the youngest was sleeping. Great-grandmother came to us and said that the children (myson and his 2 friends) are jumping off the roof in her garden. She said it without any complaints, just so that they would know that he was there. And then it started... Mom started yelling at grandma: "why didn't you chase them away, they'll break through the roof, couldn't you call me, they'll climb onto other people's roofs now, and I'll have to pay fines for them." I test-antibiotic.com said that I allowed it, we were allowed to do it before, she started yelling at me for approving of it.

Mom also likes to make the situation worse and make up something that doesn’t exist. I just went and kicked the kids off the roofs, told them to go and play at the stadium. I came back and saw her yelling at grandma and waving her hands in front of her. I also told her loudly: “Stop yelling at grandma, and if I start yelling at you, will you be happy? Calm down, I already kicked them out, they didn’t break anything there.” I felt sorry for grandma, she had nothing to do with it. After that, mom started crying and yelling at me that I was ungrateful, that I approved of everything, and she started bringing up everything, that she was here sewing up with grandma, and that we also came to nag her. She started saying that if they died, then you wouldn’t even come to us. Because of my sister, I listened to her, that she didn’t tell her anything, didn’t share, and in the end she added that she wouldn’t talk to us while we were here. Then test-antibiotic.com dad came from the next room and started throwing grandma out of the house, said that we were all driving mom hysterical. Then I just went outside, I couldn't listen to all this.

She also yells at my eldest child when she stays with them for the holidays, I argue with her that you can't do that with children. We argue about this. After that, they didn't talk to me for 2 days, okay, I don't even have children. Mom starts doing everything to spite me, in the morning she was giggling on the phone, chatting, how I came to her for pills, groans, falls on the bed, she feels bad. I offer to do her hair (I'm a hairdresser) to dye it. She runs, collects her old dyes and goes to dye herself! I ask something, they pass me by silently. I decided to get ready and leave early, it's impossible to be there. I got ready and went to my sister's for a day, mom saw us off, and dad didn't even come out to say goodbye. After such hysterics, my sister calls a taxi for 1,500 rubles and goes home right away.

After my sister, I decided to go home by test-antibiotic.com shuttle, my husband was supposed to come by car, but he caught a cold. I decided not to send him away, it was a 4-hour drive. We went, I called my mother and said that we were going home to our place. To which she again became hysterical: "how so, we are waiting for you here." I explained the situation that my husband was sick. She always makes some plans of her own, and if we do not want this and do it our way, she gets hysterical again and we are bad. She did not want to listen, first she dropped the call, then I call back, she is already crying and rushes off again. More than once after such hysterics I tried to talk to her, why she does this, why she says all this to us, then it will also be bad for her, but she still says the same thing over and over again. And I was driving home to my place crying half the way. After that, she writes a text message to my sister with the same words, that we are both ungrateful.

What to do? We love our parents, but I can't even go to them alone now.I don't want a husband , I can't listen to her test-antibiotic.com nonsense, I feel sick afterwards from it.

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