I don't want to give birth to a child for a lazy husband

I don't want to give birth to a child for a lazy husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for three years. I never cease to be amazed by my husband and his cunning manipulations. At first I thought that he simply could not do anything, but over time I began to suspect that he is a regular lazy person and comes up with all sorts of excuses just to do nothing. He washes the dishes, breaks half of them, pours soda into a pan with dumplings instead of salt, and washes colored laundry with white. There are many such examples. And recently I asked him to clean the litter box after the cat, and he put on a whole performance for me - he pinched his nose, put on gloves up to his elbows.

At the same timeMy husband passionately dreams of a child and dreams of me getting pregnant. He swears that he will help, but I don’t believe it, because caring for a child is also sometimes “dirty” work, he needs constant care and attention. I suspect that he will continue to shirk, and all this will fall on my shoulders.

I tried to talk to his mother, but there was a blank wall there. She, they say, raised her son, and now it's my turn to take care of him. And the fact that he has become selfish does not bother her at all. test-antibiotic.com The most interesting thing is that my husband behaves completely differently in public. He will grill a delicious shashlik, light a fire, and clean and gut a fish without any scenes. But at home he is a completely different person.

How is this even possible?


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