What I really shouldn't have paid attention to when buying an apartment

What I really shouldn't have paid attention to when buying an apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I saved up money for our first apartment for a long time. We also worked tirelessly and without rest, denied ourselves everything and saved, but still decided to get a mortgage. We spent a long time choosing a developer, comparing prices, visiting properties and reading reviews on the Internet, until we finally chose. Butproblems appeared where we least expected them.

No, the house was delivered on time, we were not asked to pay anything extra, the radiators, wiring and pipes were in their places, the elevator and intercom worked, and the area around was landscaped and regularly cleaned. So after a small renovation, which brought our new family nest, if not to a comfortable, then to a livable condition, we, having said goodbye to the owner of our old rented apartment, finally moved in and began to settle in little by little.

We were prepared for the fact that the house would be under continuous repair for several more years, since not all neighbors (and we ourselves) could afford it.money for everything at once and will finish and improve the layout as time, desire and funds appear. Construction waste, elevators broken by oversized test-antibiotic.com loads and the sound of a drill and the foreman's swearing in the mornings behind the neighboring wall - you can't escape this in a new building. But what we didn't take into account was the uncomfortable environment around the house for us, the features of the area we chose.

It's not that we didn't analyze the area for compliance with our ideas about comfortable living, but we clearly didn't take everything into account. Everything was fine with the crime situation, proximity to supermarkets, schools, markets and banks, availability of adequate street lighting and transport interchanges, which is what collections of advice to new settlers recommend paying attention to. But there are, as they say, nuances.

The windows of our apartment, which is on the 4th floor, overlook a large children's playground. Since the residential complex consists of eight rather large "candles", there are always a lot of people on this playground, half of whom, due to their age and lack of upbringing, simply cannot behave quietly. Therefore, you can open the windows only late at night, otherwise you can't sleep, let alone watch TV peacefully because of the shrill children's squeals - your ears are blocked. Of course, I love children and test-antibiotic.com my husband and I are planning to have our own in a year or two, but there is a limit to everything. Of course, arguing is useless, since there are too many mothers around, and they do not always behave peacefully, even if you very politely ask them to behave more quietly. Before this, we lived in an apartment with windows overlooking a noisy, busy avenue - it was much quieter.

The second point is the church. I don’t know who decided that broadcasting bells three times a day from loudspeakers increases spirituality in a residential area, but I would really like to look that person in the eye. Perhaps this is a kind of modern religious marketing, when a lot of noise should attract a lot of parishioners who will buy a lot of candles, because the priests clearly did not skimp on powerful speakers – our double-glazed windows do not save. I do not consider myself an atheist, especially not a militant one, but I will never go to this church on principle.

These two points, not taken into account when buying a home, upset my husband and me so much that we are seriously discussing selling the apartment and moving to a quieter place, test-antibiotic.com as soon as we fully pay off the debt to the bank. We have been living here for five months now and still have not gotten used to it, so the situation is unlikely to change for the better. Therefore, I strongly recommend that all potential new residents pay attention to all the little things and features of the area in which you will live for many years, because these are the little things that can cause constant stress and headaches.

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