Too much love from the husband

Too much love from the husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

From many sides I came out successfullymarried . The husband provides for the family and the child. From a material point of view, we are prosperousfamily .

He loves me. He loves me very much. He loves me so much that it suffocates me. The thing is, he doesn't work now (we have a financial cushion for many years), he's always at home. He constantly needs my attention. His mood depends on how much time I spend with him. It's like I'm fussing over a baby, only this "baby" is already 42 years old. In addition to cooking and cleaning, I go to classes, try to meet up with my friends. But if I'm gone for a long time, it starts: "I missed you, you fell out of love with me."

I want to lead a harmonious lifelife , in which there is family, and friends, and hobbies. His only hobby is me. He tells me this directly. And it puts so much pressure on me. He is a good man, smart. When I got married, he set some goals, he had plans.

And for a year now he has been just sitting there like a pensioner and sucking my energy. All my attempts to talk to him about this topic lead to me being a "capricious lady who has everything, but something doesn't suit her." I am tired of such a relationship and don't know how to change the situation.

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