My mother-in-law never forgave me

My mother-in-law never forgave me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 21 years old. I got married two months ago. Everything was fine, I found a common language with all his relatives. But of course it is difficult and I think it is in any family.

Let me explain right away. My mother-in-law had a stroke seven years ago. Thank God, everything is fine now, but of course, something still remains from the illness (bad speech, lameness). And because of the illness, she is very vulnerable, takes everything very close to her heart.

It was literally the other day, January 31st. There was a lot to do and as you can imagine, it was all on me. And closer to the evening we had to go to his relatives and stay there for a while. We went, arrived at 9 pm and started doing everything in a hurry. For the main course, we planned to have chicken in a bag, but since there was little time, we decided to just marinate the chicken and cook it.

Mom (mother-in-law) started to get offended that she wanted chicken in a bag. We explained to her that it was late. And this went on for about five minutes. And I said "no" three times. HisMom took it as a challenge and started doing it out of husband explained that I raised my voice and my mother will not calm down now.

I came up and asked for forgiveness. It seemed to calm down, and we just cooked chicken. But Mom was still cold. And the next day I asked for forgiveness. I apologized, asked not to be offended. I said: "This is my first year away from home. It's hard for me, new people, new home, please don't be offended." I see that she is still cold again.

I try not to hang around my mother too much, so that she can feel calm. I try so thatThe son spent weekends with her more often. Today my husband once again told me to ask for forgiveness. But I flared up and said: "What should I do if a person doesn't want to forgive me?"

Of course, I was stupid. I understand that I should be smarter, find a common language and understand that she is a child (after her illness). But I also have my limits. Then I came up to her and asked for forgiveness again. I said: "Forgive me, I am stupid, forgive me?" To which she answered: "No." I said: "For the sake of my son, he is very worried." And again I get the answer: "No."

I left and started crying. My husband was not home at that moment But we have to live somehow, I'm afraid that because of thisthe relationship with my husband will become cold. I understand everything that his mother is after an illness. But when the children come, how will we live? Two children in the family, it's difficult. And I don't know.

Please don't judge me too harshly, I'm very young. Perhaps I'm guilty of something myself. I don't deny it.

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