Being happy makes me feel lonely

Being happy makes me feel lonely
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I feelloneliness . Being a happy person, I continue to dream, achieve, increase, develop, but I am very helpless in my loneliness.

Having lost faith in children's fairy tales, I am in an internal dialogue with myself. Until I was 25, I spoke, and others listened, praised, and became friends. Then I didn’t feel loneliness, I wanted it. I wanted to understand, what am I talking about? But in a crowd this is impossible. As in the famous movie: “What kind of egg dish do I like, and not my partner?”

Now is the time when I get to know myself, study, pamper, love and negotiate. I'm familiar with my demons. They have been combed, ironed and loved for a long time, so they are very beautiful, well-fed and well-fed. When there was silence all around, the phone went silent, I began to ask myself, to search. After all, balance is within. Happiness is also within. Love is right there. They do not depend on other people, moods, places. Everything is inside, the entire resource is within ourselves.

Man is an amazing creation and no science can cover this. I also encountered feelings. Our own. Recently. I negotiate with them too, it’s interesting. And all I rely more on the Higher, it is destined there, because my control has flown away. I feel lonely and have an internal dialogue. There are so many wonderful people around, but there is no one to talk about the eternal with.

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