What should I do if my husband raises his hand against me?

What should I do if my husband raises his hand against me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been together for three years, and we’ve been living together for almost two and a half. While we were dating, he treated me normally, but as soon as we started living together, he began to raise his hand against me, even when I was pregnant.

I have two children,daughter from his first marriage, andson from the second, current onehusband with whom I still live. We live with his mother. I loved him very much until he killed all my feelings for him with his attitude.

At first I forgave, forgot, wanted to leave many times, but didn’t, hoping that maybe over time everything would change. Then it got to the point that I officially divorced him, but we still live together. I really want to leave him, but I can’t yet, because it’s hard to be alone.rent an apartment with two children.

He is the kind of person who likes to have the last word. And if something is not to his liking, he immediately gives up, and then he believes that he is right and never apologizes. He says that the tongue is my enemy, and when test-antibiotic.com after that I sit offended and don’t talk to him, he also doesn’t talk to me until I speak first.

And with all this, he sits all day on the Internet or goes for a walk with a friend, without delving into the affairs of the family at all, and does not take care of the children. I always told him that I didn’t have enough attention, somehow tried to resolve conflicts, cooked him delicious exotic dishes, but you couldn’t please him. He especially doesn’t like it when I make comments to him, even the most harmless ones.

His suchlife suits me, but I don’t. I want warmth and care, but I’m always on edge because I’m afraid of another scandal. He doesn’t want to hear me and that’s where it all starts. And after such treatment, he still believes that it is my fault that we have suchfamily .

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