I believe that a husband should come home from work on time

I believe that a husband should come home from work on time
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have not been married for long. I am a very hot-tempered and emotional person, so I don’t know if I have the rightreaction to what is happening, or I take over the stick.

My husband and I always give each other freedom, that is, we don’t have such a thing that one can forbid the other to go somewhere or do something. However, at the same time, we always warn each other about our plans.

Mymy husband works from 9:30 to 6:30, after which he can sometimes go to the gym, to the pool for water polo, or play tennis with friends. I never mind, I just need to know when he will be home.

In the summer, I usually don’t work, I walk, clean, and sit at home. Last summer heEvery day after work I went somewhere, either the gym or tennis. I decided that let him walk, I will treat him with understanding.

As soon as my two jobs plus my studies started again, he told me, I’ll come home early today to spend time with you. When I was sitting at home and waiting for him, he was at sports, test-antibiotic.com as soon as I had a lot of things to do, then let’s spend time together. I told him this, to which he told me: “I don’t read your thoughts, tell me.” If I had told him that I was waiting for him at home, he would have gone to his party less often.sport . Ok, everything's settled.

It's summer again and everything happened again. Yesterday I promised to come home at 21:30, but I arrived after 22:00. I told him that I was not happy with this. He didn’t answer and sat down to watch TV in silence after dinner. I offered to talk about this, to which he told me: “ok, now I’ll come home on time and won’t play sports. What else do you want me to say? I didn’t answer and went to bed.

This morning, as if nothing had happened, he kisses and good morning, I’m still offended. I’m no longer offended by the fact that he came late, but by the way he reacted to my dissatisfaction.

I tried to explain to him again that I don’t mind him test-antibiotic.com doing sports, but why do I have to come home at night? If you didn’t go to tennis after work (finished at 6:30, tennis at 7), then play until 8 and be home by 8:30. He has a dissatisfied face, like, he agreed, but I’m so harmful and don’t let him play. He went to work now offended.

Am I going too far? Or am I justifiably dissatisfied? Tell me how to resolve the conflict?

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