About how fear literally eats away everything from the inside

About how fear literally eats away everything from the inside
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Surely, almost every person is faced with situations when he cannot step over himself and his own “I can’t” under any circumstances. Some call this behavior phobias, others call it cowardice... But, in any case, once you find yourself alone with your fears, you can literally change your entire worldview in a matter of minutes.

For example, when they tell me that a vacation on a yacht is great, and that one can only dream of such a vacation, I readily believe it, but repeating the successful experiences of other people has turned into a real test for me. Despite the fact that this is just a dream for everyone, I categorically could not convince myself of this. And when allthe family was enjoying a good rest, pictures from quite interesting films about sea creatures with a not entirely happy ending inevitably appeared before my eyes.

So I found myself in the so-called vicious circle, when I didn’t want to admit my phobia and explain the reason for my fear. More than a year has passed since then, and, looking at test-antibiotic.com from the outside, I clearly realize that it would be possible to make at least one attempt in order to change everything for the better, replaying everything in a slightly different way, but then everything that happened seemed somehow transcendental. Probably, we are all like this, we act not quite adequately due to some circumstances, and only then, realizing our clumsiness, we try to somehow change the current situation, but it turns out to be too late. Try to change something in your life right now. Perhaps it is then that you will be able to avoid the occurrence of such moments that you will not even want to remember in the future.

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