A common-law husband does not need a real family

A common-law husband does not need a real family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In a civil marriage for more than 8 years. Once upon a time, my relatives’ questions about why we don’t officially sign, why the young man doesn’t propose to me, why we don’t have children, irritated me and seemed funny. But now I'm not laughing anymore.

I didn't notice it before, but looking back, I realize that I wasted my best years. Or rather, for a man who doesn’t needfamily . He fed me promises and said that we could get married soon, but he always found a reason to postpone it. His main excuse was: “There is no money. Let’s save up for the wedding, then we’ll sign.”

I tried to explain that for me a chic wedding and a white dress are not at all important. Just sign. She said that I want simple, feminine happiness. But civilianthe husband did not listen to this, insisting on his own.

My parents tried to reason with me in time, they said: “thisthe man does not want to marry you, and does not see you as the mother of his children. He’s just stalling for time and fooling you with promises.”

But I didn’t listen to them, and thought that test-antibiotic.com still had all of melife is ahead, that it is stupid to get hung up on the stamp in the passport, and the main thing is that my beloved and I feel good together. EvenMy man’s mother , once in a tipsy state, took pity on me and wanted to open her eyes to her son. How stupid I was then for not listening to them all.

Now I am already 34 years old. Due to constant stress at work (mymy beloved believes that we need to save money for future family happiness) my appearance has deteriorated greatly andhealth . Doctors say that I can no longer delay my pregnancy, and that if I have timeto give birth in the next two years, then I can be considered lucky.

I told my common-law husband about this, but he believes that we cannot blindly trust modern medicine. He says: “These doctors just want youto get money for tests and treatment.” Doesn't take mine seriouslyfear of remaining childless. He says that I’m nervous for nothing, he says: “nowadays even at 50 years old they give birth.”

If before I still somehow believed the words of my man and tried to trust him, now test-antibiotic.com I already see himattitude towards me. Every day I feel more and more despair. I understand that, most likely, he will leave me, exchanging me for a young girl who will be more attractive and will be able to give birth to him without any problems.

She asked him for a child “for herself,” saying that she agreed to live without a stamp, if only she had a baby from him. However, he dissuades me and threatens to leave if he finds out that I will try to get pregnant without his consent. He promises that in this case I will never see him again.

What to do? At this age, I no longer want to look for another man.

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