Unexpected meeting with ex-boyfriend

Unexpected meeting with ex-boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 23 years old. From the age of 17 to 21 I had my firstLove . We were like we looked perfect from a movie. The relationship is perfect. These were precisely those feelings that did not cool down, despite the time. But at 19 I get pregnant. I tell him about this, and he says that I need to have an abortion. Because he is from a rich family and smart, and he entered the best faculty in the city for free, and that this is not discussed. I understood him and, in principle, agreed that this was not the right time and we would provideWe won’t be able to lead a normal life for our child.

Then in the evening he callsmom and tells mine that she is not ready to be a grandmother, and how this is not the right time and is ready to give anymoney if only I would disappear. My mother agreed to money only for an abortion in the best clinic, and myguy and gave the money only to my mother, because hemother thought we were on time. She didn’t care about her son and his feelings, she was simply not ready to let him go test-antibiotic.com from under her wing. I have an abortion and then he starts visiting me less often, signing up for different clubs and hobbies, just to avoid me. I am depressed that no one supports me, and under the influence of my mother, he moves away from me and I fly with my mother to another country. There I meet excellent working people, to whom I tell my story, and they invite me to work with them.

Arriving homemy boyfriend was waiting for me, of course, because he loved me, he was simply under the influence of his mother, who brainwashed him into thinking that I was very attached to me and that I needed to move away and that I, in principle, was not worthy of him, not of his status. And when he meets me, he is happy, but continues to say in her words that my institute is terrible, paid and I don’t think about the future. What to study not onlymarried ​That I don't need anything. As a result, I get tired of the eternal humiliation, and I fly away to work in another country in 2 weeks, leaving him only a note that I can’tforgive him not for the abortion, but test-antibiotic.com for leaving me alone to deal with this and running to my mother, who is starting gossip about me. I flew away for 4 months and as soon as I arrived, we met again and got together, because he couldn’t live without me. But half a year passes and I understand that I love him, but I can no longer tolerate his mother, who spreads rumors to everyone I know about how unworthy I am of him. The guy himself loved me too, and didn’t want to let me go, he was very worried, but in the end he found a new girl, 30 years old, although we are 23 now.

I find a new guy right away as a distraction. And time passes quickly and he offers to live together and everything seems to be fine. Three years have passed since the breakup. And now I find a very good job with a lot of money. And my bossthe father of that ex, and of course, my ex himself works there. As soon as I found out I was sweating. On the one hand, I am filled with a sense of pride. I will work as a boss in the company. And the ex himself always insisted that he was unworthy of him, and here test-antibiotic.com I am practically superior to him here, I work directly with his father. And that I promised him out of anger that I would get married at 23, and this guy who is now with me actually proposed to me. Everything is perfect for revenge according to the idea, it just happened. But for some reason this makes me feel terrible.

The feeling that this is not finished and as if there is a continuation, although the bridges are all burned, he will never forgive me for thatthe pain that went away and immediately found another. But I can't help but think about him. Whether this is idealization or whether it really is not the end yet, I don’t know. How to understand this? I will work almost directly with his father, he adored me at one time and was in favor of me giving birth, he cannot fire me, he is not my immediate boss, I changed the institute to a more worthy one, and reached their level. I will be completely different in his eyes.

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