Another child will be superfluous in our low-income family

Another child will be superfluous in our low-income family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 27 years old, Imarried , we have three children and I againpregnant ​I do not know what to do. I mentally understand that it would be better to have an abortion (bad financial situation, I have no profession or job), but I am very afraid of this step and I think that I will really regret it later. And if I leave the child, then everything will be even more difficult than it is now.

Even now it happens to us that at the end of the month there is neither money nor food. I could start working in September, there's just a junior theremy son will go to kindergarten. Who would act in my place? Those who have already had an abortion, do you regret it or not?

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