If this is not love, then what is?

If this is not love, then what is?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I can't do this anymore, it's not normal. This is very stressful. This is even scary to some extent. To some, this story may seem completely fictitious. Some may think that this is a description of a case of the so-called Adele syndrome. But this is something else.

Our fateful meeting took place in May of this year. We didn't even talk, we just locked eyes, so to speak. But since then it’s like I’ve been replaced. At first this was not expressed so strongly, but after some time I began to notice some kind of unhealthy interest in this person. No, I’m not in love (otherwise many people are probably thinking just that right now). And, in general, there is no sexual attraction either (at least not yet). One thing I know for sure is that I am obsessed with him. I began to constantly think about him, talk about him. His name never came out of my mouth - many people around me began to notice this. Then it got even worse - I went completely off the rails. I’m literally trying to “live his life” - I’m irresistibly drawn to where he is, I test-antibiotic.com try to be there, follow him, if possible, even sometimes take photographs, it’s unclear why.

I have absolutely stopped caring about the things and people that surround me; I can’t concentrate on anything, because... I see him everywhere. Everything else seems completely empty, superfluous and unnecessary. Sometimes, when there is a piece of paper and a pen nearby, I simply begin to mechanically write or draw his name. And when I read a book and a character is described there, I 100% imagine him and no one else. His image is too firmly rooted in my head.

This is already a clinic, don’t you think? Yes, it sounds creepy. But I don't know what it is. But I repeat - I didn’t fall in love. But I'm literally obsessed with him, it's a manic obsession. I don’t understand why exactly him, and where he even came from in my life. And it would be nice if there was some celebrity there - I understand, idol fans, that’s all, but this is an ordinary person like me. My age (almost). Nothing stands out like that. There is no reason to behave this way. And I’m just raving about them. test-antibiotic.com Some people around me are already seriously worried that I am sick. But no one can make a diagnosis. What is happening to me and how can I make it all stop?

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