Where can I get the willpower to get away from my third husband?

Where can I get the willpower to get away from my third husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


All my life I'm looking for a man to one and for life. But fate sends a third, and everything is not right. Traitors.

Why do not understand. I do everything absolutely for them, both in bed and at home. And nothing helps. The third one does not often spend the night at home. She decided to leave him. I used to endure for years, and they themselves abandoned me. With the current I'm only 4 months old. He has constant love letters with women, calls from them. He always comes home from work late and drunk. Conversations do not help and scandals. All past. He swears that he is faithful, loves and will not let go. But how can such behavior be tolerated?

I love, faithful and always forgive. But it hurts so much. I want to cross everything out, I collect things all the time, I can’t leave, I have no strength, I love him. How to find strength in yourself and leave?


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