I'm ashamed of my sister

I'm ashamed of my sister
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister and I have always been very close. The age difference is only 2 years, I'm younger. We always went everywhere together, even had mutual friends. Alena has a very calm character, she always studied well and helped around the house, her parents had high hopes for her.

And at the age of 20 she sets off to conquer the capital. Naturally, I went with her, and we rented rooms in a dorm. After a couple of months, I began to notice that Alyonka was bringing some expensive flowers and gifts, beaming with happiness. She answered questions thatthe guy gave it to me, and I never introduced him to him and didn’t want to. After a year of persuasion, she gave in and called formeeting at a restaurant.

When I saw her chosen one, I fell into culture shock. He was about 30 years older than her, his hair was gray, and he wore glasses. He was about 50 years old, he didn’t seem old, but he was old enough to be his sister’s grandfather. During the meeting, a woman called him and he left. My sister said that he is married. Moreover, as expected, he has 4 children and test-antibiotic.com six grandchildren aged from six months to six years. He himself is some kind of cool businessman, and he has hermistress _

I soon found out that he has 5 such people, andmy sister knew it! She answered my questions that she neededmoney . Indeed, they travel constantly, he buys her all the most expensive things and pays for her studies. The wife , of course, does not know about the presence of mistresses. In general, everything is complicated. She did not give in to my persuasion and dated him for several more years before she found out thatpregnant _ There was only one candidate and after a little time they hastily parted. A sister with an apartment and small payments in exchange for the fact that he will never see the child. Alena quickly jumped outmarried a colleague whom she had liked for a long time and gave birth to a healthy son.

It seemed like living and being happy, but the sister was not happy with her husband. He was good, didn’t drink, worked hard, didn’t even look at other women. And, of course, I didn’t know thatthe son is not his. As a result, she started cheating on him, spin test-antibiotic.coman affair with a neighbor, and then with the boss. When my husband found out, he packed his things and silently went to his relatives. My sister is “happy”; she is pregnant again. The child's father is the owner of a hotel chain, a womanizer, and married. I couldn’t divorce my wife, the business belonged to her, and there were no children together. He quickly walked off into the sunset and finally introduced him to his friend. He liked her too, and they moved in together. The scheme is standard - she said that she was pregnant from him and the wedding. I'm surprised they didn't understand anything.

Everything in the marriage was not so smooth; he was a careerist and rarely spent the night at home, but he accepted the eldest as his own. Another son was born and Alena began to cheat again out of boredom. Herthe husband found out everything, there was a scandal and louddivorce . Thatthe child did not recognize him, left the house, but did not pay child support. Both fathers tried to see their sons, but attempts were stopped, and they soon got tired of it. My sister partied for another year and was free as the wind, after which she became pregnant by some guy. She didn't even remember him. Next is the standard plan, test-antibiotic.com to lure the rocker neighbor and get married. The third husband said that he would not tolerate older children. Alena quickly sent them to their fathers and got married again.

No one knew about her reputation; she lived in another country. She gave birth to a daughter and was widowed, her husband was killed in a car accident. Left completely alone with a baby, she again got involved with some rich married man and this time took her away from the family. He had no children, only a 20-year-old stepson. She also gave birth to a child for the fourth man.

As a result, now the eldest (he is 16) lives with his father and does not likemother . The middle one doesn't communicate much either. Thirdthe daughter lives with her parents, and the youngest son lives with his father.

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