A year after the betrayal, but there is no forgiveness inside

A year after the betrayal, but there is no forgiveness inside
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I came to confess, with the hope that someone's view of the situation would somehow help me.

Married for 10 years, two children. A year ago, I found out about my husband's betrayal, which happened at a corporate party. I recognized him almost immediately in hot pursuit. Panicked, ran to take tests. And so it turned out. He swore that he did not understand how it all happened. Was too drunk and so was she. Both were embarrassed and never saw each other again. There was an unfamiliar girl from another city. He swore that he had never cheated before.

To understand the reason for his act, she was tired inside herself, trying to justify him. Yes, I went into everyday life, into children, he into work andalcohol . Sex is rare, sincere conversations too. But she always considered her husband decent, and that he would definitely never go for treason.

Having overcome the first impulse to get a divorce, I gave myself time for a year. Allegedly, if I don’t forgive betrayal in a year, then something needs to be decided. Diverge.

In general, relations, objectively, have become better. During this year there were more pleasant warm memories than, probably, in the past 10 years. Trips together, joint activities. The test-antibiotic.com husband stopped drinking and became more attentive to me. It seems that with my head I understand that you need to be able to forgive, that it was more of a rash act than a conscious betrayal, but with my heart I can’t. I want to try for him, I want that story to serve as a lesson for both of us, without poisoning the poison of memories, but trust is greatly undermined. It seems that I love and hate inside for what I did. A year has passed, and it is still insulting and painful.

How to be, I do not know. Anguish? Divorce? But will he not add to all the bitterness of regrets?

Tell me how to be.

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