Confession of unrequited love for a girl

Confession of unrequited love for a girl
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a girl about 7 months ago. I can't name her, but in history she will be "Bear".

When we met, she was in a terrible depression, I supported her, I was available for her at any time of the day, despite all that 2500 km separated us, we had a connection from the first day we met. We had the same mindset, we preferred the same cuisine, films, values ​​of life, we were 85% similar and we talked like that for about 3 months, until the first date. During these months, shedepression , she began to smile more, changed, the difference was visible, like day and night, she again became cheerful.

But we had one problem - she always liked to keep something under wraps or come up with some reasons, we can say that she was not always honest. She lived in some kind of fear and was always afraid of something, like a double life.

On the first date we liked each other, we had the first kiss, with the taste of ripe strawberries and vanilla ice cream - before, we sat in the park and ate strawberries with ice cream. Even 3 months later, I still remember it like it was yesterday. While I was in the country, we met 2 times and they were unforgettable, despite the fact that there was very little time. She was there and in these moments I dream of only one thing: how I would like to stop this time and stay in this moment, forever. In the evenings we spent time on Skype, we could chat for hours and we didn't get bored. It felt like we had known each other for many years.

After 3 days I left the country, and after a week I offered her to be officially more than friends, but she refused me, despite everything that happened and how much time we spent talking together. She refused me, saying that she likes another. To be honest, it was painful, I said that this is your choice and you have to live with it. We didn't speak for 2 weeks after that.

But somehow I wrote her "Hi" and everything started spinning around us again, she herself admitted that "yes, we have a connection, we are very similar." She told all sorts of little things about her life, about work, about the English diet, on which she then sat, and so on. I won’t say that everything was 100% perfect with us, there were disagreements, but these were minor disagreements and we quickly put up. I did not try to control her, did not show jealousy, did not climb into her personal space. She could do anything, but I only asked for a few things: respect, honesty, devotion and understanding.

But as it turned out, we had a problem with this, but I did not want to give up and believed in the best. I offered her to meet a second time and I was again refused, and we did not communicate for a couple of weeks. Then I wrote to her again. Every time I came back, she was depressed, I was there, I didn’t quit and didn’t leave. I tried to be a support for her, someone I could rely on. This went on until the third time, and each time she refused for the sake of someone or found some excuse when we both knew it waslie .

The third time I wrote "Hello", she had a tantrum. She thought that shepregnant and the symptoms were like during pregnancy. She screamed that she was not ready, that she did not want this, that the whole world had collapsed. I stayed with her then, and I understood thatthe child she is carrying is not from me, and that it is not his fault that everything turned out this way. A child should know from the first minutes of life that he is not a hindrance in our life, and that he is expected and loved. I told her that don't worry, I'm with you, and that I won't leave you alone, let alone pregnant, this child is not to blame for anything, and that I can be his father, and that you are not alone!

So we spent another 2 days, I calmed her down and supported her as best I could. After 2 days, it turned out that she was not pregnant. Another 2 days went by and she went on a date with another, like nothing happened. I didn’t say a word to her, I just wrote that I was happy for you and that you were doing well. I was really ready to take on this responsibility and be the father of this child.

What should I do and how should Iforget her and suppress these feelings? After all, after the last act, I understand that tons of dirt have been poured on me, and I still support her and are there after all that has happened.

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