I lost a friend because of a girl

I lost a friend because of a girl
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was and I think I still have a best friend, but he already has an exyoung woman . They broke up recently, on his initiative, he left her. A long time ago we all talked together, and we both had sympathy for her, and she had sympathy for us, each achieved it in different ways, but I quickly got tired of it, since I didn’t want to spoil my friendship with a friend because ofgirls . I thought they would have a very long timerelationship . And so, I kind of communicated with her, but nothing more.

5 years passed, and during this period they started having quarrels and all that, they broke up and made up, I always wanted to help both my friend and my friend, but my sympathy for my friend never disappeared. But I never thought or imagined fighting her off, because I knew that it wasthere will be betrayal on my part.

And so, in the end, he left her. Two weeks passed and he finally solved itreturn . But she didn’t want to, she found out from someone that he cheated on her, test-antibiotic.com and her friend now thinks that I told her. Communication stopped on his part, but I don’t like to make excuses, let him think what he thinks, but I understand that I wouldn’t do that, especially since I didn’t know it myself.

But the situation turns out to be that I stopped communicating with my friend, but on the contrary, I started communicating with my friend more, much more, and now I’m tormented by my conscience about what to do. To achieve completely or just to be friends? But the feelings were still there from those distant times. And it’s a pity for my friend, we were so brightfriendship , I want to return my friend and be with her. But I’m afraid that they will make peace, and it’s clear that I don’t want that. What a strangely vicious circle. But their temperaments are different, but mine and hers are more similar.

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