Bad sign

Bad sign
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story is from real life, it happened to me. Several years ago I dated a guy, everything was heading towards marriage, but unexpectedly for ourselves, we ran away in different directions. After some time, we met in a company, a spark ran between us, and the fruit of love was not slow to appear in me - I became pregnant. Unfortunately mythe beloved was already tightly in the networks of anothergirls , and I gave birth to my beloved Dimochka alone.

During my pregnancy, he came to see me several times. I didn’t insist on marriage and recognition of the child, I came and looked at my son after the birth, and that’s practically how it all ended. However, like many other such naive fools. I gave birth on time, such a pretty angel, I named Dima like my father, but I gave him a different middle name.

When I was pregnant, he looked at methe guy living in the next entrance. He studied at my school, a year older than me, was a friend of my fiancégirlfriends . Three days after I gave birth to my son, comes to me at seven in the morningmy friend brings me an ice cream cake. It's called "beloved".

I'm asking:

“Have you gone crazy this early?”

And she answered me

- I brought this <...> and said to give it to you.

That day I had to go register my child, and I also thought that if we had talked in person, I would have signed him up for it. But it was not fate, as it showedThe future , apparently, was not given by the family curse. But that’s another story, if you like this one, I’ll write it.

Soon the carousel of fate began to spin, my Dimulka fell ill and began to suffer from diathesis and constipation. Friends advised me to take him to a healer. The uncle was knowledgeable, and my baby began to slowly recover. After the last session, he said that the baby needed to be baptized, I was not slow in fulfilling the order. We found godparents, went to church to baptize, my son was the smallest and they baptized and bathed him first. As soon as the priest dipped him into the font, he immediately had loose stools, the entire font turned out to be unclean, the grandmothers serving the priest immediately began shaking their heads, saying that this was bad. All others were dipped in a basin, the font was closed.

The next stage was cutting the hairs and rolling them into wax, which were then thrown into a basin (font). And again, everyone’s hairs floated, but mine fell to the bottom. After leaving the church, I began to wonder why they said it was bad? Many acquaintances said that a person who is not a good person will accept a lot of bad people.

In general, after two months, the guy who really liked me and I got together and began to live together. He loved my son like his own, and he loved him back. Again I had a thought: should I change my surname, again I remembered the family curse, but again I didn’t attach any importance, but in vain. I think you still need to listen to your inner voice. In general, the result of this story: my Dima barely started walking, he fell off the sofa. And not just like that, but on the edge, we sold such a sofa before - “Nadezhda” - there the edge was hanging down, and it fell on its back. I vaguely remember what happened next, two weeks of intensive care, constant trips to church, tears... and my Dimulka is no more.

Here is a story about bad omens, which, as it turns out, you sometimes have to believe.

Read together with it: