How to make amends to your daughter?

How to make amends to your daughter?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is seven years old, she has been asking for a kitten for a year now, even atbirthday asked for such a gift or no gift at all. I love animals, but I don’t have time to take care and fuss with them, I knew that Alena only promised to do everything herself, but then in a day or two she would get tired of it. And food with litter for the tray is not cheap. But whenmy daughter began to feed the plush toy and talk to it like a cat, I gave up and already promised to take the kitten, butMy husband categorically forbade it. Alena cried for a long time, stopped even communicating with us as before, because she was already determined that she would have a cat, like hers.girlfriends . And at some point, her husband couldn’t stand it, he allowed it, but made her promise that she would take care of him, clean him and feed him herself.

At first it was hard to get used to the fact that the kitten was constantly meowing, did not let me sleep at night, and did not immediately get used to the litter box. My husband basically woke me up at nightdaughter , so that she would clean up after him, when I began to be indignant that the child had to go to school and she should get some sleep, he said: “I warned her.” Conflicts began in the house, and I already regretted that he agreed then. But when the cat grew up, he became everyone’s favorite, and the husband especially fell in love with the Kid. Now we have started having conflicts with our daughter about this. I realized that she had not forgotten how dad specifically woke her up at night to clean, although she could have waited until the morning, and she still had a grudge against us. As soon as the cat comes into our room in the evening, she immediately takes him away, and at the same time she also tells the cat so that we can hear: “they didn’t want to take you, but now they pretend that they love you.” I hope that she will grow up and change, but I am afraid that the resentment will remain.

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