How to convince your beloved wife to lose weight?

How to convince your beloved wife to lose weight?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Briefly about myself: I love to play sports (very much) almost all my hobbies and hobbies are related to it, I keep track of my shape, constantly visit the gym and want to look athletic (puffed up). Basically, I can do it. But the point is not at all in me, but in my wife.

About my wife: the height of my beloved is 155 cm, not tall, but this is only a plus, since I have liked short girls all my life, and I actually married this one. Its weight may seem strange, in view of the topic of the title, it is also not large, only 47 kg, well, you really agree a little, but this is the main problem.

So here's the problem: my wife has an excellent skeletal structure, a narrow waist, wide hips (moderately naturally) everything is fine here, and the sizes of outerwear are the smallest, recently we even bought a jacket for 14 years, in the department for girls.

By the way, I forgot to mention she is now 26 years old, we are raising a son for him for 5 years, he goes to kindergarten, she does not work (it’s hard to find a job nearby, but in principle my salary is enough for us, although she would really like to work). So I got off topic. Mymy wife was never thin, but I subtly hinted to her all the time (sometimes I spoke openly), but after giving birth, she quickly threw off the weight she gained and began to look better than before pregnancy, and so, the problem is that, as it were so to speak, the bulk of her body is concentrated in the lower part. If you look, she has narrow shoulders, thin arms, a slender tummy, but everything below - I don’t want to offend her, in a thick fat layer, her legs feel like they are inflated straight, riding breeches come out from the side with every step, butt is also in the fat layer.

I repeatedly reminded her that she hadoverweight , to which she answered me: “you are crazy, I already weigh less than 50 kg.” Here she is right, but how to deal with such a sharp imbalance in the figure? This is a mystery, I love her very much and I'm ready for anything to get rid of thisproblems , she tells me that she won’t do anything, they say, as many write: “if you love, then love this.” That I just didn’t suggest that she agree to make concessions, but not to any, answering that you love itsports , but I do not need it. Let me remind you that she sits at home all day, her son is in kindergarten, I am at work, I only need to cook on weekends, since I eat at work all week, I don’t eat in the evening, because I follow my figure. She, of course, also watches her figure and does not eat after 18:00, almostruns 3 km every day on a treadmill and monitors the number of calories, but most likely not carefully enough and her weight does not change.

To be honest, I feel sorry for her, to look from the outside, so she does something, but the result is 0, and this has been for more than one year. I told her: “Well, you’re sitting at home all day poke on the phone, well, you make a program or look on the Internet, if you want to hire a coach, if you want, we’ll work out together, work out a little harder and everything will be fine.” But no, we don’t swear at any extreme time, since it doesn’t come to a divorce, I love her and want to live with her all my life. Now, if you even mention a word, that’s all, immediately turns around and leaves, resentment for several days, we don’t talk. Somehow there was a frank conversation, and so she admitted that over time she feels constrained with me, both in everyday life and in bed, sometimes it greatly distracts her.

I understand her and I don’t want it to be like this, I repeatedly repeat to her that I am on her side, and if she needs help in something, I am always ready. It feels like we're in different boats (leave me alone, that's all). I don’t even know how to be in such a situation, it’s either me or her. I tried not to pay attention to it, but no matter how you turn it, she is my wife, I constantly see and feel her. I really wish that did not have such a problem in our family, but, unfortunately, it exists. Here we are with her, like two sheep, rested, and no one makes concessions, and both suffer from this.

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