Where does childhood go?

Where does childhood go?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The daughter has grown up. When did she manage to do this? It seems like just yesterday he was a lively and playful teenager, awkward and angular, like all children in adolescence.

Toys - children's,favorite TV channel too, girlfriends and friends are the same tomboys, a little less. The eternal problem of broken knees and elbows. "Dad,Mom , buy me that doll”, “I want a bike”, “I want the holidays to come quickly!”, the eternal want-want-want, as before there was a continuous why-why-why.

And suddenly in front of you is an almost adult woman! When did this happen? The children's company suddenly gave way to a crowd of young people: boys andgirls , tall, beautiful. You ask them when they come to visit your daughter: “Children, do you want to eat?” And these kids, head and shoulders taller than you, answer in a deep voice: “No, thanks, we’re going to a pizzeria.”

And you no longer buy toys for your daughter. Her interests are different: smartphone, dresses, driving courses... The latter is correct - I used to drive, let her drive me now, but I feel like I’ll have to buy her a car, our routes are too different.

I started earning money myself. It used to always happen: “Dad, give me some money, I need to buy something.” And test-antibiotic.com yesterday, I was sitting at the computer, she came running: “Dad, please let me go to the computer, I gave my laptop for cleaning, but I urgently need to look at something in the online store.”

As usual, I let her go to the computer, and I went for my credit card, took it out, and was getting ready to give her the data, and she: “No need, dad, I’m using my salary card, I got my salary yesterday.” So, a salary can buy change for itself. No, it’s my mother and I who have to pay for large purchases or tuition, but sitting in a cafe with friends, renting a car, going somewhere, filling up with gas, buying various small things – that’s on our own. Well done.

He hasn’t watched children’s TV channels for a long time; if he turns on the TV, it’s mainly on Discovery or National Geographic. In general, he hardly watches TV, from morning to night, if at home - on the Internet.

He says that television is from a bygone era, and my mother and I are Neanderthals, if we listen to all the nonsense that they say on TV, we will become extinct, like those same Neanderthals. This is, of course, jokingly, a Cro-Magnon!

But still, you look test-antibiotic.com at the new generation and you envy: they are smarter, more communicative, they know foreign languages, they are on friendly terms with computers. They are freer and more relaxed than us, they know what they want from life. With them you feel not just like a Neanderthal - like a dinosaur! Well done kids, keep it up, good luck to you!

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