Love brought only suffering

Love brought only suffering
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Once they sent me on a business trip to the capital. I worked for days on end, and everything was very gray, until I met one person.

Probably for the first time in my life, I didn’t want to be liked, I behaved likechild , joked stupidly with him, laughed out loud. After a couple of weeks, I realized that I fell in love. I had never experienced such emotions before, it just blew my mind. This man occupied all my thoughts. I hinted that I liked him, but all my attempts were in vain. Then I decided to say everything directly.

I don't know how to properly describe his reaction. He was simply silent, and I continued to communicate, flirted, but was no longer myself. The real me cried bitterly at home in the evenings, but still looked for meetings with him.

Six months passed like this. At work, I was given a choice: to stay in the capital or return to my city, I didn’t think for very long, at that moment I was so tired of emotions that I decided to run away. Our mutual friend tried to convince me that he talked to him and he admitted that he really liked me and he didn’t want me to leave. But these were only words. I returned home, thought about him every minute, and occasionally called each other on the phone. This is no longer sympathy, I was so torn and I turned from a cheerful and positive person into a “Brick Face” person. Maybe that's what it looks likedepression .

And so I was sent on another business trip, this time to a beautiful seaside city. I told him about it and he came! Lived with me for 2 days, everything was as I dreamed. I decided to start a conversation. I talked a lot, asked a lot, I thought that if he directly said that he didn’t need me, it would make me feel better, because I wouldn’t exhaust myself with empty hopes. She says she liked it very much. I was afraid: “You’re like a 3rd year higher mathematics course, not at all understandable, but there’s no getting away from you.” He said it was burned out. There were feelings, but they passed. Everything collapsed inside.

I left today, and I’m corroded from the inside by acid; I haven’t eaten anything for two days. I can't bring myself to. I was happy for exactly one evening and now it hurts me so much. I know that this is some kind of life lesson, but I no longer have the strength to cope with this feeling. I'm planning to quit my job and move to another city. Change everything.

Do you think I'm doing the right thing? I know that everything inside will remain the same, because I will only change the picture. But I can’t live like this anymore. I want to leave and not take myself with me.

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