My husband and I have not loved each other for a long time, but we live together

My husband and I have not loved each other for a long time, but we live together
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I probably don't love my husband. And he doesn't love me. We have a child, we love her, but I have constant thoughts of divorce. We don't kiss, we get right down to business. He doesn’t touch me at all, but I really want attention, a man’s shoulder, not even sex, but just to talk at least about something, but he doesn’t want to communicate with me. He doesn't understand it. I say that the main thing for me is support, attention, spiritual connection, and he laughs and takes everything as a joke.

Maybe we shouldn't live together? We have been together for a long time. I was 15 years old, and he was then 18. Already 10 years together. I used to think it waslove , and now I don't think so. Wantdivorce , and I'm afraid to change something.

What is love? And does she even exist? Could it be worse in other ways?

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