My boyfriend likes loose girls

My boyfriend likes loose girls
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I have been talking with a guy for two months, we saw each other 5 times in total during this period. We are 24 years old. All meetings were held at his house watching movies, we eat, play consoles and communicate.

I am very shy, I need support in communication so that the conversation is led by the interlocutor. But this is not always the case, I open up over time. I have not yet been able to do this in front of him, but he sincerely constantly tells me how much he likes me, likes my smell, appearance, voice, character, but really wants me to open up to him as soon as possible. We didn't have any physical contact, we didn't even hold hands. Perhaps he is afraid to offend me with this, but I always wait for the first steps from a man.

I show myself on the good side, I know how to cook, I keep harmony around me and, on the whole, soft. I want us to get into a relationship with him, but I made the mistake of starting to watch his subscriptions on Instagram. I found a lot of liberated girls whom he likes. I didn’t torment myself and told him directly that I didn’t like this, but I wouldn’t force him to delete everyone, he should think of it himself if he was interested in me.

So far, he has not removed anyone, but he had a violent reaction to my words. And I'm in doubt what to do in this situation. How to continue this communication, how to bring everything to a relationship in which he definitely will not be interested in any of these girls?


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