My husband is a player

My husband is a player
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy husband has been a casino player for 10 years. How I survived all this is simply impossible to describe in words. I fought this addiction of his in every way possible. And how many nerves and illnesses she acquired for herself because of this. I have long wanted (and still want) to get a divorce, and have filed for divorce 4 times.divorce _ The first time I took the documents back because he became seriously ill (tumor).

I thought that was it now - she wouldn’t go to the casino anymore, she’d come to her senses, there wouldn’t be time for that, but it all happened again. All the other times, when I said that I would get a divorce, my husband persuaded me, swore and swore that now it was definitely over. I no longer believed him, I realized that he would no longer be able to stop.

He is a terrible owner, a retired lieutenant colonel. You can't just walk away and get rid of it, we're from the south. I had to simply flee the country with two children, which I could not do without any support. Many times I threatened to have someone else if I continued in the same spirit, but he doesn’t believe that I can and doesn’t even imagine how close I am to this.

The children are already adults, each of them has their own life. For my husband, I and the casino come first, and apparently it will always be that way. At some point I came to terms with it, and then everything started again. All this cannot be described on paper in a nutshell, and I don’t want to write so much.

Sometimes you just don’t have the strength to withstand it all, and how many nights have passed in tears and anticipation, countless! You will say that I am a weak woman, I probably didn’t want to, so I couldn’t leave. No, that's not true.

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