My husband only loves his youngest daughter and considers me selfish

My husband only loves his youngest daughter and considers me selfish
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We got married a year ago, after the birth of our third child. To be honest, no one wanted to go to the registry office, after 14 years of marriage it was a formality.

We met through friends, he started courting me, we became friends, became close. I soon became pregnant, told him, he was not ready to take responsibility for the child, nor to marry me. It was very bitter, I was worried, cried, which I regret very much, because I wasI'm pregnant and it affected my daughter.

She was born weak, constantly screaming day and night. A few months before the birth, we finally decided to live together, but then a new challenge - a constantly screamingchild and exhaustedwife . Three days after I came home from the hospital, he bought a mattress and moved into the kitchen. I tried my best to have lunch and dinner, ironed shirts, scrubbed the floors.

When the child turned one, I went to work, because I earned much more than he did. Thanks to this, after 2 years we moved to a larger apartment, and soon we had a son. relationship didn't work out from the very beginning. Our families are too different, their mother concentrated all her efforts on her father (he has a difficult character), butMom, like a fairy, united the family, was a buffer. Maybe that's why she left early - the heart. My mother, on the contrary, was always the leader, she is active, uncompromising, in a word, a leader. But no one humiliated us in childhood, did not call us names. I was always bright, interesting, an excellent student.

This is important because I saw later howmy husband can treat the children, me and other people. His character made nannies and masseuses who came to the children run away, and he didn't stand on ceremony with his relatives either, as a result no one has come to us for a long time. He is an active person, he plays sports, and I, who made a career before meeting him, on the contrary, became uninteresting and passive. I became indifferent to life, I cope poorly with the house, I want only to be left alone. There are constant reproaches from him - why did I do this and not that, could have said it differently, in general, everything that I do is criticized. If I allow the children to do something, he forbids it. In general, there is no mutual understanding.

I tried to negotiate with him, but it is impossible to negotiate with a tyrant, in response I receive aggression and insults. He really wanted a third child, I was categorically against it, because I did not see any prospects for our family. He simply tormented me, announced to everyone that we would have more children. I got pregnant and had an abortion. It was the strongest stress for me. In the end, I got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful girl. Her father loves her very much, but he does not love anyone else in our family. He says that I am in mymother , just as selfish and callous, but I don't know how to love a person after he insults and humiliates you and your mother?

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