My beloved great-grandmother

My beloved great-grandmother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I apologize in advance for the unnecessary details, but I think this will make it clearer to you what happened.

My great-grandmother died recently. She was a golden person, neither during her life nor after her death could anyone say anything bad about her. Everyone loved her, she always helped us, always supported us, but age took its toll (she was already 84 years old).

Not long before her death, a bird knocked on our window, and everyone knows that this means bad news, but no one in our family could have imagined that it would be so bad. Literally a couple of days later, great-grandmother starts feeling bad and we bring her to the city to call a doctor. We are sitting with her, and she says to me: “That’s it, my darling, my time has come, I’ve lived my life…”. Of course, I brushed it off, said that she would still babysit my children, but… He camethe doctor said that she just had arrhythmia, that it was her age. And a couple of days later she was taken to the hospital with a stroke. We thought that she would pull through, after all, she worked until she was 75, she had an ironhealth , we even took her home from the hospital for a while.

And then I had a dream that I was approaching a tombstone, but I couldn’t read whose name was written there. I woke up in fear, and a day later I had the dream again. I don’t remember what exactly I dreamed about, but I read in a dream book that if there is a sick person in the house, he will soon die. And that’s what happened – two days later my great-grandmother was gone. I didn’t want to believe it until the very end.

Considering myfear of everything otherworldly, every night when I went to bed I asked my granny not to dream of her, because I was terribly afraid of it. Once she dreamed of my little sister in her favorite velour suit, asked how we were doing and after that I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. And then she dreamed of me too.

I dreamed that I was coming to her in the village, she was sitting at the table, as if alive. I asked her how things were, and she answered: "You see, I told you that everything was already..." - and smiled. That's when I woke up...

And my great-grandmother came to my mother in a dream once. Mom was waiting for dad to come back from fishing and dozed off, and in her sleep she heard as if someone's steps nearby, and then a voice said: "Get up, it's time." She woke up and saw dad driving his car into the yard.

This is the kind of granny we have, even after death she tries to support and help us all. Thank you, my dear!

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