The problems that have arisen in the relationship are not being resolved

The problems that have arisen in the relationship are not being resolved
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been together for almost 5 years. Sexual problems have been going on for over a year, this summer there were none at all. He does not initiate anything. There used to be a lot of fights and scandals because of this, and it got to the point where he completely closed himself off, once he told me that the thought of sex makes him sweat, he gets anxious and that is why he does not act, and I have lost my desire.

We went to a sexologist, he gave us a series of exercises and told us to do them regularly to relax about sex and enjoy it, and over time we would return to sex. Half a year has passed since visiting the sexologist, we did the exercises maybe 5 times. And we need to do them as often as possible, but we practically don’t do them at all. And this makes me furious and depressed, because I have a feeling that I’m the only one who needs this. Let’s say I took the initiative, and we did this practice, then I think, well, now I need to do it more often and not interrupt what we started. I wait a day, two, and he doesn’t come with this. And then I start telling him about it. And of course, he doesn’t come with this at all, plus scandals. And I get offended. And so on in a circle.

It got to the point that a month ago he said: "let me be alone, take a break." Okay, he came out of the break, we seemed to have agreed to change everything, but 2-3 weeks have passed, and we are not moving forward with sex. Yes, he finally started doing sports, began to drink less, we signed up for dancing, yesterday we went out into nature, etc. But none of this makes me happy. Yesterday, when we returned from an event, he helped me carry my things to my apartment, and I thought that he would pass, but he said: "I'm tired, I'm going home." And I have a feeling that he is trying, but it's somehow just for show, we are not moving forward with sex. And I feel terribly unwanted. Some kind of incompleteness is constantly in the air. And I also found out that he replaces me by watching adult films, he told me that he stops watching them because they bother him.

Alladvice on the internet boils down to me distancing myself and not touching him. Taking care of myself. But I'm under so much pressurethe issue with sex, I feel unhappy, and at the same time I myself no longer want any sex, and I don’t want this artificial practice any more. But I can’t let go of the situation. How should I behave better? How can I let go of this problem and not think about it? How should I behave with him and not expect anything from him in terms of sex?

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