I am happy that I have such a husband

I am happy that I have such a husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story about a failed civilmarriage and wanted to tell about my family life. I have been married for 23 years, I have a wonderfulhusband and two children, a beautiful house and I have established myself as a woman, I also have several hobbies, one of which later grew into my profession. We did not have any start-up capital, we earned everything by our own labor and are still working. My husband and I often hear from others: "guys, how lucky you are!"

Now let's look at a real situation. My husband and I are both from divorced families, in which not very good things happened (neither of us saw a good family model). After two years of dating, we discussed everything and agreed on how we would live when we got married (no cheating is allowed - immediatelydivorce , how many children, will I be at home with them or go to work, what kind of vacation will I have, etc.).

We got married, had children, everything went according to plan. And the youngest child got very seriously ill at three years old. Life turned into hell. It's hard to describe in words, but test-antibiotic.com I'll try - she stopped sleeping at all for three or four years, screamed so much that her eardrums burst and 60 screams per minute, completely lost her speech, although before that she spoke two languages. The daughter forgot how to go to the potty, smeared everything all over the carpets in the house and constantly ran away from home if the older child forgot to lock the door.

Well, that's just a brief description. Then at 6-7 years old, she had a mini-stroke. And I didn't want to live at all. But we still didn't give up and continued to treat her. At twelve years old, she atepeach , choked on a seed and died in my husband and I's arms. Clinical death in less than five minutes, the brain is not affected, the child began to answer questions "yes" and "no", this is a plus (my husband and I went gray - this is a minus). While we were taking care of our daughter, our son developedproblems , and there are only four of us and no relatives nearby. We had to learn how to raise teenagers correctly and get things back on track.life . I'll skip a lot. Now my son is 22 years old and he lives separately, studies and works.

My daughter is 19 years old, this is test-antibiotic.com young beautifula girl who loves to travel and visit different places. She also continues to study and has different therapies five days a week. She still has problems with spoken language, but she types on the computer and expresses her thoughts. After her last trip to other countries, she wrote that she is very grateful that her parents never gave up and always fought for her. Oh, I forgot to say that I was born, grew up, got a higher education in Russia, worked for a year and moved to my husband in the USA. I had to start my life anew, learn a new language, make new friends, slightly change my faith and find a job, but gradually I coped with everything (special thanks to my husband). I work and have worked all my life, starting from childhood. My ownthe mother could not accept her granddaughter as she was then and completely tore everything apartrelationship with us, he hasn't communicated with us for 15 years, mymy father died when i waspregnant with a daughter.

My husband and I have had a lot of good and bad in our lives. We have been through a lot together and test-antibiotic.com love each other very much, but thisLove is not just a gift from above. Love is work! It is constant work on yourself, on your relationships, it is patience, mutual respect and care. Did our life turn out as we planned? No. But through all these trials we became better and understood who is who, and this is pricelessexperience . Is my husband perfect? ​​No! But he is the best for me.

Why did I write all this? Don't be angry at the commentators. They want to help you with all their heart (many of them have wonderful life experience). Sometimes we need a cold shower from others to stop, breathe, overcomefear and start all over again. But before you can take action, you need a new plan of action.

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