Is it possible to persuade a civil husband to an official marriage?

Is it possible to persuade a civil husband to an official marriage?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 25 years old, my boyfriend is 27. I read it hereconfession about whether to wait for a guy’s proposal or whether it’s better to leave and I want to share the same. Denis and I have been living together for two years, we have a so-called civilmarriage _ I am not a supporter of such relations, but after two years of acquaintance, he offered only such an option, without promising, however, anything concrete further in our relations. During this time, I have never heard a declaration of love from him when I ask: “do you love me?” - he replies that he doesn’t know what it islove , what a word the girls came up with. He says that attitude is important, not words.

But despite this, he very often asks me about my past novels. I had before himguy , we only dated for six months, then we broke up, realizing that nothing would work out for us, we were too different from him. But I don’t want to tell Denis about him, this is my past, and such a revelation will not benefit our relationship, and there is nothing special to tell. I don’t ask him about his ex-girlfriends, I’m not interested, I want to live in the present, not the past. But he is offended, says that I have something to hide, so I do not want to talk about this topic.

I think he's just jealous, because he constantly listens to my phone conversations, even when I talk to my mother, and then asks me several times who called me and what we talked about. I noticed that she was checking my phone and my correspondence with friends on social media. networks, I don’t understand why do this. It’s unpleasant for me, I don’t do that. I don't tell himwife , what will happen when we get married? If we get married, which I highly doubt.

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