My husband is unhappy that a lot of money is spent on my pregnancy

My husband is unhappy that a lot of money is spent on my pregnancy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for 5 years. Before that we dated for 2 years. Our relationship has always been good, not without quarrels, but not critical. We both work. We also share the chores in everyday life.

A year ago we decided to have a child. Now Ipregnant , went on maternity leave 3 weeks ago. And then it all started! My husband is always unhappy with everything, no matter what I ask him to do (for example, tighten the canopy on the kitchen cabinet), everything ends in a scandal. And it’s not me who’s making a scandal, an inadequate pregnant woman, I asked him to tighten this canopy (my door was almost falling off). I waited two weeks, calmly reminding him from time to time, and in the end he tightened it with shouts. If my belly hadn’t gotten in the way, I would have tightened it myself, honestly. I don’t want to ask for anything more.

Then I had to go to the hospital to give blood. It was snowing outside, minus 7, icy, slippery. I asked him to take me (we share a car, I have a license, but I don't have much driving experience yet and I'm just afraid to drive on a slippery road while pregnant). He didn't have to ask for time off from work for this, he has a flexible schedule. And again a scandal with the words: "You're driving me crazy, you always need something." The poor thing had to get up early (I woke him up at 7 am). And in general, he's tired, he wants to live for his own pleasure.

And I don’t understand what’s wrong. I worked officially, with a good salary, went on maternity leave and received a good amount of maternity benefits, that is, I’m not sitting on his neck. The apartment we live in is also mine before marriage. When I went on maternity leave, I took over all the household chores, and he won’t clear his plate or wash his cup. He says that he doesn’t enjoy life because he wants to buy a new car, and most of the money now goes topregnancy and the future child. And this despite the fact that last year we bought a Toyota, the model he wanted. And I wanted to go on vacation. I replaced a tour to Sri Lanka with a budget vacation, and we bought a car. A year has passed, and now he wants a jeep! And he accuses me of not being able to buy it right now. And I don’t understand at all why he needs it and why I’m always to blame.

It feels like he doesn't need anything at all, although he took me to the registry office, I didn't drag him along, and the decision to have a child was a joint one. And now I'm always to blame for everything. It's offensive and I don't understand why men behave like this. And I'm afraid of what will happen after the birth of the child?

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