I can't forget him and I don't know how to get him back

I can't forget him and I don't know how to get him back
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


The beginning of our romance was stormy, and I do not even doubt that then he loved me very much. We lived together for more than a year, everything was great until he found out that I was pregnant. It was then that he began to tell me that he was not going to be with me all his life, that it was too early for us to start a family, that we were not a couple and he did not want children at all.

He brought me home, told me to have an abortion and then move in with him, and left. I did not agree, we had a big fight and parted. After that, we continued to communicate at a distance, we started a daily correspondence. He was bored and said that he was not ready for children, that he did not need it, and asked to change his mind. He said that I, an egoist, had betrayed him.

A year and a half has passed since then. Now my son is one year old. My ex communicates nicely with me on social networks, but does not make any hints of financial assistance, does not call for marriage. At the same time, for some reason, he does not want to leave me alone. I tell him test-antibiotic.com: don't write, forget about me, but he still writes for any reason.

In response to my outbursts of jealousy, he begins to make excuses that he has nothing with anyone and never had after me. He also asked me questions whether I have someone or not. Although later he said to find himself a normal man, and not like him. At the same time, as soon as I start a conversation on the topic that maybe we can somehow try further together, he immediately backs down. He says, they say, maybe someday I won’t think what your relatives will say about me, then I’ll try, or maybe everything will work out without each other. In a word, it blows my mind.

I decided to break with him completely, told him all the negativity and everything I think about his low act. She said that if so, forget me and my son, live your life. But he also has the audacity to write me congratulations on his son's birthday!

I am hopeful that he will come to his senses and come back. And the time for test-antibiotic.com is coming, and the chances of this are getting smaller. Please advise what to do. He completely exhausted me. I can't figure out what he wants from me. I keep waiting for adequate actions from him, waiting for recognition that he was wrong, that he wants me back. I can't do anything with myself.


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