Can't forgive my friend

Can't forgive my friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


A friend acted very badly with me, which offended me very much, but now she changed her mind and asks for forgiveness. I know that she sincerely repents, because we have been friends with her since childhood, but something prevents me from forgiving her. I can’t even see her, let alone talk to her, I’m just shaking all over with indignation, and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to restrain myself either and will say nasty things to her in response. Although, oddly enough, I do not want to lose her.

I said that I was not emotionally ready to talk to her now, so that instead of reconciliation, a new scandal would not come out. Maybe it takes a little time to understand each other and accept apologies. But Lera didn’t understand me and said that she did her part, apologized, and if I don’t want to forgive her, then breaking our friendship will be on my conscience. For me, this turn came as a surprise. Does she think that you can hurt a person, say offensive words, and just apologize and everything will be fine again?

It's hard for me to accept's apology and pretend that nothing happened, that everything is in order. It seems to me that then the girlfriend again does not need to quarrel, since you can make peace so easily. Why hold back and be patient? It's not a broken cup that you just need to buy a new one to replace it and apologize. But emotional damage is much more painful, and it is not easy to forgive it, especially since my future life depends on it. There are some things that apologies can't fix. This happened in our case as well. Nowa friend tells everyone that I am too proud and arrogant, and that she can do without such a friend. I am very sorry to hear this when she is to blame. Do not think that we are unreasonable teenagers, we are 28 years old.


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