Rash decision

Rash decision
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I was pregnant, I made inappropriate decisions, for which I have been paying for several years now. Now the secondpregnancy and due to past mistakes rolled arounddepression , I don’t want anything, I feel like a failure, and I give up.

One of the mistakes of the past was buying housing, the construction of which was frozen. At the time of pregnancy, in the seventh month, we moved into a new apartment in a new building, one-room apartment, 42 square meters. 250 meters from the metro. A couple of weeks passed, and we went to visit friends in the suburbs in a gated town, next to a forest, silence, view of the forest, next to a beautiful garden, park, closed area, garlands and decorated Christmas trees everywhere. Idyll. The developer is building 5 more houses. Friends are happy, the developer is praised, and we buy a spacious three-room apartment in this town during the construction phase. The developer builds vigorously for another year, and then construction is frozen and that’s it. There have been five 15-story ghosts standing in the middle of the town for 2 years now.

Now the child is 3 years old, her second pregnancy, she needs to rent out her apartment and move into a rented two-room apartment. Lately I can’t even sleep - I blame myself for what test-antibiotic.com did. Moreover, with work due to constant toxicosisproblems , I used to work part-time, but I also had to give up part-time jobs. My husband wants to build a house; he only has enough money for a plot within the city (land is very expensive) and a foundation. I understand that with one breadwinner, we will financially support this construction for about 4 years, and all this time we will need to rent housing. I want a normal life in my home, for which I honestly paid my dues, but not in our country.

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