An unusual case

An unusual case
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I will say right away that I am a believer. I now live in England, but I am from Ukraine.

An incident that I would like to tell you happened when I worked as an assistant administrator in a hostel in Kyiv, and the administrator herself was myMother .

One summer-autumn day he was supposed to move in with usa man for a day or two. And the check-in time was indicated after noon. I was ready, sitting on the couch almost by the door. And then I wanted to go to the toilet. I had just disappeared from the door (and the hostel was not on the first floor of a high-rise building) when there was a knock on the door. The bell didn't work the entire time I worked there. And then I felt, out of the blue, that I didn’t want to open it. Something about this knock was so strange and suggestive of non-standard thoughts!

And so I decided to sneak up to the door and look through the peephole. There I saw a man dressed in black from head to toe. He looked at the door and around, waiting for an answer. And then suddenly, in front of my eyes, he began to twist his head so as to crack his neck. And it would seem that there’s nothing wrong with that, but it gave me goosebumps. It seemed that he would now turn his head 360 degrees, like in horror films. There was something otherworldly about him.

To be honest, I was seriously scared and didn’t want to open it, but if not me, then then my mother. So I opened it. And then the man appeared at his full height. By the way, he had amazingly polished black shoes, but I was more impressed by his suitcase. Next to him stood a suitcase so large and soiled that it seemed he was going to stay for at least a year. It was a suitcase with a capacity of forty kilograms.

And that wasn't the only thing that seemed strange. There was a bruise on his face. And this man walked inside. I sat him down on the couch, and I already realized that this man would be problematic. Of course, in our terrible times, anyone, even a simple and harmless passerby, can get a bruise, but in this man everything fit together like puzzles from one picture - each new element confirmed the previous one.

I felt in my spinal cord that this man was possessed. And then, it would seem, settle in and go mind your own business, but he, it seems, also saw something in me. He turned out to be rude and extremely impolite with me in his communication, which made it clear how he would behave with the rest of the guests if he behaved like that with the assistant administrator. I realized that it was better not to accommodate this. He silently caused rejection. And I, being authorized to make such decisions, told him that we would not be able to accommodate him. And then he no longer began to hide his essence, saying that we do not have the right not to accommodate him, and added that he would not go anywhere.

I worked for a long time, and this story often happened to us with lovers of alcoholic beverages. The administration always has the right to refuse accommodation. In my memory, however, this was the first time that I refused, being under a religious impression. I even had to tell him that if he didn't leave the hostel, we would have to call the police. He agreed to leave the hostel, but only on the landing, standing on which he himself, talking loudly, called the police on us. This “dark” man was a lawyer by training, with merit among others, and was seriously convinced that I was “criminally” wrong.

Each of his next steps only strengthened my religious suspicions about him. The police arrived immediately, although by this time I was already sitting in the kitchen and shaking with fear. I was horrified at the thought that I had to communicate with the police. I have a certain ethnicity, which has always created an aura of foreignness for me. I felt vulnerable, but I knew that this feeling was unfounded.

I still had to talk to the police. They came up to me, although the man wanted to be present and incited the police to call me outside. He didn’t hear what I said about him, but the police informed me that he still wanted to live with us. This kind of thinking indicates psychopathy, where social patterns are alien to the person. For me, this is as strange as being raped and then asking to meet.

I realized that I was absolutely right. And the next day he ended up in our area and asked my mother (the hostel administrator) whether I had paid well for my decision (he didn’t know how my conversation with the police ended, he decided that I had paid the fine) .

Thus, I realized that we really avoided a lot of problems by not settling this man. I still believe 100% that I was not mistaken about exactly who he was.

And I’m waiting for the moral or advice from you.

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