Self-doubt or veiled deceit?

Self-doubt or veiled deceit?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Recently, I have been reading various life stories on this site and did not dare to write my own, I considered, compared to others, not quite serious. But this problem, my problem, has been bothering me for quite some time.

I have been living with a man in a civil marriage for four years. Before that, there was a marriage for more than 20 years, which ended in a difficult divorce. Two children, the eldest child lives separately and has his own family. The youngest daughter is 19 years old and still lives with us.

The relationship with my man from the very beginning was good. Love , mutual understanding (not quite sure now), respect, mutual support. Very good contact with my children, which is important for me and the children. One thing overshadows (maybe it can be considered stupidity, maybe it's my lack of confidence, it's hard to formulate this state).

Social networks are now both a source of information and sometimes a second life for many. My man had and still has a huge number of photos with a former woman on his page on the social network, these are holidays, joint trips and sea holidays. When we started living together, I touched on this topic and asked how he felt about this, this is the past, and if you want to keep good moments in your memory, you can do it more tactfully by saving these photos in some album Let's say it's not in the public eye. It’s also unpleasant for me to answer the questions of acquaintances, isn’t it strange?

He answered me all the time and answers that it means absolutely nothing to him. Women before me, and there were plenty of them, were, to put it mildly, too impulsive and sometimes inadequate. That is, having seen and learned about me, unhealthy reactions are possible and they can primitively, to put it mildly, get me. He didn't want me to be upset. He liked the role of the savior. At the same time, questions about marriage led to their separation. After meeting me, a lot has changed. He is happy, loves me and is loved. Now he has made me an official proposal that we register our marriage. The photo is still there.

How and in what form, I still have to explain to him that this humiliates me, I don’t know. I don’t want to lose my loved one, but I don’t want to feel like a “convenient alternate airfield” for either. The next step is to check the phone? I thought, is it really the lessons and traumas of the past that affected me so much? Sometimes she began to feel mentally unhealthy, as often unpleasant thoughts arise in her head.

I would like to listen, or rather, read the comments from the outside. If a person who often comments here under the name or nickname of Agnes reads my story, I would be very grateful. I would be grateful to everyone, of course, but the opinion of this commentator is important to read. Always correct, concise and deep.

I don't want to think that because of this photo story from the past, I have such problems and I am so unsure of myself.

Read together with it: