Why do girls behave this way?

Why do girls behave this way?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I am 27 years old. Until recently, he lived like everyone else, hung out with different girls, but didn’t take any of them seriously. What they had before me never really interested me. I didn’t care how many boyfriends they had, how they behave sexually, what kind of lifestyle they lead. It doesn't matter at all. But then suddenly everything changed, I met a girl, she was 17 years old. I caught her gaze, it was so bright, as if she was looking at what she had been waiting for so long. At first I planned to just spend time with her, as I always did. But no such luck, I fell in love. Like the first time. I immediately broke up with all my girlfriends. Now there is only her, and she loves me. It's just a fairy tale.

Then we began to get to know each other better. Naturally, she asked about my exes. I told the truth that I haven’t had a real girlfriend for a long time, and everything that happened was not serious. She reacted to this calmly. Then she admitted that she hadguy , test-antibiotic.com there is only one. I don’t know why, but for the first time in years a note of jealousy flashed through me. Once upon a time, when I was still a virgin, I dreamed that I would havethe girl for whom I will be the first, and she will be the first for me. It didn’t work out, I wasn’t my first girlfriend’s first, I survived it, although it was hard.

After I broke up with her, I began to look at things “simpler,” as I thought. But here again this insult. The offense is not because I’m not the first again. But rather because at 17 years old she already knows too much. No, I can't say she's experienced, she's not. But besides the traditional one, she managed to experience all types of sex. When she talked about it, she didn’t feel any shame, she treats it as an achievement!

I have a completely opposite opinion about everything about this. Despite the fact that I am not an angel myself, I believe that a girl should have a sense of dignity. But she’s still a child, judging by that. Yes, this is the influence of the modern test-antibiotic.com world, plus brainwashing by an ex-boyfriend, girlfriends, of course, you have to have time to try everything. After all, such people are already adults at 15 years old; they might not have time. But no one thinks about the future at such moments. This has been bothering me for over a week now. I understand that I love her. Very. But I can’t get it out of my head.

Sometimes I want her to find someone, to leave me, or to cheat on me. I will not tolerate cheating, and I myself never cheat if I have a real girlfriend. But here, apparently, there is some kind of test again. Either leave, and then regret it all your life, or treat it normally, and live happily. Will it work? Girls! Take care of your honor, normal guys don’t need such experienced people, believe me. If you think that the more you can do and the more guys you have, the better, then you are mistaken. With this situation, you will either change boyfriends all your life, or you will find yourself one who will not care who is with him. Is this happiness?


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