Why don't guys like me?

Why don't guys like me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old and I have never had a relationship, even mutual sympathy. Never ran on dates, never heard compliments from the opposite sex.

Until the age of 20, she was somehow more or less calm about this situation, she thought “it’s not time yet, that means that person hasn’t come yet.” But when all my girlfriends got into relationships and got married, and I still haven't even been kissed, the conclusion was: "I'm doing something wrong."

I took on myself: I lost 20 kg, revised my wardrobe, I always look neat. I began to invite the guys to the meeting myself, but the same thing always sounded: “oh, invite your girlfriend at the same time, I like her for a long time, but I don’t know how to roll up”, “you’re not my type”, “today I’m going with that - something, and you and I will go when the time is boring.

I don't even know which phrase hurts more. I decided that the reason was in appearance, not as “ideal” as others. Decided to visit the site. What is the result? Both guys who also searched for test-antibiotic.comlove , before meeting with me reconciled with ex-girlfriends. “Okay, it happens” - I decided and went headlong into study and work. But every evening, as I’m going to sleep, thoughts come into my head, and inside everything turns out so that I don’t just want to howl, but just scream from loneliness.

I like the most ordinary guys, good ones, that is, the problem is not in my choice. I understand that love comes to everyone in due time, but now I need this love, every day I get worse. Faith in love is almost gone. There is only one thought left, to reconcile and agree with such loneliness. But it hurts a lot. What should I do? Is it possible to somehow drown out this pain?

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