Almost decided to cheat on her husband

Almost decided to cheat on her husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Before marriage, I hadacquaintance with one young man (brother of a friend). He tried to look after me, but then I did not promise him anything, and honestly said that I love another (my future husband).

It's been 5 years already, I'm married, we havechild . I am happy in marriageI have a good husband , and in terms of intimacy, we have the same passion as before. Yes, perhaps a little romance is missing, but the candy-bouquet period cannot last forever.

But in the last 2 weeks something incomprehensible has been happening to me: I constantly think about my friend's brother (his name is Dima). It got to the point that I was seriously thinking about cheating on my husband with him. The attraction is purely physical, nothing more.

We do not communicate with him now, but he has a page of a popular social network. I’m just drawn by a magnet to click “Add to friends”, to remind him of myself. Only I'm afraid that this can unwind something that I won't get rid of and disentangle later. Or maybe nothing bad will happen.

I don't want to risk my family, but I can't help myself. I understand that this comes from a lack of romance, I want an explosion of emotions - as before. Now this is terribly tormenting me, I feel remorse. This obsessive mindless attraction will surely pass, only when? Maybe it’s worth it to “add Dima as a friend”, to understand that he hasn’t felt anything for me for a long time and will calm down on this? In general, I have something going on in my head that is most scary and disgusting.

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