A friend devalues ​​all other people's achievements and merits

A friend devalues ​​all other people's achievements and merits
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Annoying traitfriends devalue everything. All other people’s merits, achievements, everything is not important to her, it’s easy, it’s not enough, everyone can do it. I’m already silent that I won’t expect praise from her such words as “well done,” but I don’t expect that, otherwise there’s an argument here: “why do you need your friend’s praise and approval?” It's about not devaluing. For example, when I received a job offer in my specialty, with a good salary, from another country, I shared it with her, said that I was still thinking about it, and told her that my friends advised not to miss the opportunity, to try. She responded: “Do people call such little things opportunity and chance? I don’t understand people like that, it’s so easy, why elevate it to the rank of achievement in life?” Although I didn't build it. However, she herself did not have a single such opportunity.

Or we're talking about a mutual friend. I say it's herWell done husband , he gave her a trip to such and such an island as a gift, she had always dreamed of going there, but there was no opportunity. And the friend’s answer: “well, low-cost airlines fly there, you don’t need a lot of money to give test-antibiotic.com such a gift.” Can she afford such a trip herself? No.

Another friend came up with an income of 10 thousand dollars. I told you how cool it was, I want it too. Her answer: “well, it’s not much.” This despite the fact that her salary is exactly 10 times less and she can barely make ends meet!

Also when I was relevantquestion of buying a car, I noticed comments behind it: “I never wanted a car, it’s easier for me to take a taxi.” Well, there are many similar situations where she devalues, or rather equates someone’s merit with everyone else’s, in the spirit of “well, everyone has it,” “well, it’s easy.” I would understand if we were talking about some basic things, like buying a bag of potatoes, but she sometimes devalues ​​things that she has to walk and walk about.

For everything that happens to me or to others, she either suddenly doesn’t need it and never needed it, or everyone can do it, despite the fact that nothing happens in her life at all. I’m not talking about the devaluation of test-antibiotic.com boys and husbands of girls she knows, for her they are all somehow crooked, slanted, they could have found better ones.

To be honest, it's so unpleasant that I've started avoiding her lately and stopped telling her everything. As a result, she knows nothing about me now. And at the same time she calls her a close friend. For her, intimacy is going to cafes and shopping. It turns out that I am silent, in order to avoid her devaluation, and during meetings only she speaks, and I am like an ear. It’s terribly unpleasant to share something with her, even her face is so frowning, as if she’s looking for a trick, squinting, looking for something to get to the bottom of, to devalue.

How can you respond to another such phrase? I was silent in a stupor, now I blame myself, I should have been rude. R

How would you respond to this? Tell us what you think about this and what you would do?

I tried to explain once. She didn’t believe me, she said: “What do you think I’m envious of? there is no such thing, you came up with everything.”

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